Lettino DRESS_CODE Smart – indoor

690,00 717,00 

La nuova seduta DRESS_CODE si ispira ai canoni della moda sartoriale, giocando con gli abbinamenti di colori, tra struttura e seduta, con le trame dei tessuti per indoor ed outdoor e con la loro lavorazione: oltre al tessuto liscio come un foglio, vengono proposti una versione trapuntata a quadrotti, ed una imbottita e sagomata ad onde. Le trapuntature e le imbottiture sono sia un elemento grafico che fonte di maggiore comfort.
Disponibile come accessorio un cuscino poggiatesta rivestito anch’esso in tessuto.‎


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Additional information
Weight 11,5 kg
Dimensions 72 × 92 × 77 cm

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SKU: 2580 Categories: , Brands: SCAB

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DRESS_CODE Smart – indoor

690,00 717,00 

The new DRESS_CODE seat is inspired by the canons of sartorial fashion, playing with the combinations of colors, between structure and seat, with the textures of the fabrics for indoor and outdoor and with their processing: in addition to the smooth fabric like a sheet, a quilted version with squares, and a padded and wave-shaped version. The quilting and padding are both a graphic element and a source of greater comfort.
A headrest cushion also covered in fabric is available as an accessory.‎

Additional information
Weight 11,5 kg
Dimensions 72 × 92 × 77 cm

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SKU: 2580 Categories: , Brands: SCAB

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