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Product Details
Il progetto Beam combina curiosamente archetipi del product design e dell’architettura, con un linguaggio contemporaneo che rimodula l’idea del bagno.
La collezione si compone di un lavabo d’appoggio in Cristalplant® Biobased declinato in 3 diverse proposte di colore e di una mensola contenitore disponibile in 2 varianti dimensionali e 2 tinte. Beam è disegnata da Guerra Office and Sina Sohrab, noti per l’abilità e l’originalità con cui dà forma agli oggetti quotidiani e di uso comune, che popolano l’ambiente domestico.
Dimensioni | LAVABO APPOGGIO BEAM 700/530/260, MENSOLA BEAM 1265/555/325, MENSOLA BEAM 885/555/325 |
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Product Details
The Beam project curiously combines archetypes of product design and architecture, with a contemporary language that reshapes the idea of the bathroom.
The collection consists of a countertop washbasin in Cristalplant® Biobased declined in 3 different color proposals and a container shelf available in 2 dimensional variants and 2 colors. Beam is designed by Guerra Office and Sina Sohrab, known for the skill and originality with which they give shape to everyday and commonly used objects that populate the domestic environment.
Dimensioni | BEAM COUNTERTOP WASHBASIN 700/530/260, BEAM SHELF 1265/555/325, BEAM SHELF 885/555/325 |
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